
Amazing views: Oceanteam cable loadout in 360 degrees

Oceanteam Solutions won a contract to supply equipment and services for cable transport and load outs from Asia to Europe in 2016. For this project, Oceanteam earlier successfully performed a cable loadout in Asia. Last month, the Oceanteam Solutions crew finished the project with the successful load out of the cables in the Port of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The demountable turntable systems were delivered to the mobilisation site in 40ft containers and were completely built up by the Oceanteam technicians.
The Oceanteam crew made an amazing 360º-report of the cable load out, including impressive pictures of the heavy lifting during the demobilisation. After the loadout and demobilisation, the cables were transported to the Oceanteam Equipment Base in Velsen.

Aerial view of cable highway

Carrousel loaded from tween deck

Carrousel loaded in hold

Heavy lift during demobilisation

Interested? Read more about our cable and umbilical storage & handling solutions, turntables and other rental equipment. Or please contact our Solutions Director Lex van Doorn